Significant Points of the Ren Channel
神闕(任脈8) Shenque(RN8).
穴義 神,神氣;闋,宮門(mén)。
Shen, spirit; que, palace gate.
定位 臍的中間。
Location in the centre of the umbilicus.
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主治 1. 腸病要穴,治腹痛,腹脹,腸鳴,泄瀉等。
Indication 1. abdominal pain, distention, diarrhea, borborygmus.
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針?lè)?/B> 填鹽灸或艾條灸。
Method moxibustion with salt or stick.
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備考 禁針 治虛脫要穴。
Remarks Contraindicated acupuncture. Main point for collapse syndrome |