定位: 在輪腳處
主治: 呃逆、皮膚病
Point : Ear Center (MA-H1)
Locations on the helix crus
Indications hiccup, skin diseases
定位: 在近屏上切跡的耳輪處,與大腸同水平
主治: 便秘、腹瀉、脫肛、痔瘡
Point : Rectum (MA-H2)
Locations at the end of the helix approximate to the superior tragicnotch, at the level with point Large Intestine醫(yī)學(xué).全在.線www.med126.com
Indications constipation, diarrhea, prolapse of the rectum, hemorrhoids
定位: 在直腸上方,與膀胱同水平的耳輪處
主治: 尿頻、尿急、尿痛、尿潴留
Point : Urethra (MA-H3)
Locations at the level with point Bladder, superior to point Urethra
Indications frequent micturition, urgent and painful urination, retention of urine
定位: 在尿道上方,與交感同水平的耳輪處
主治: 睪丸炎、附睪炎、外陰瘙癢癥
Point : External Genitalia (MA-H4)
Locations at the level with point Sympathetic, superior to point Urethra
Indications orchitis, epididymitis, pruritus vulvae
定位: 在與對耳輪上腳前緣相對的耳輪處
主治: 痔瘡、肛裂
Point : Anus (MA-H5)
Locations at the level with the lower border of the superior antihelix crus
Indications hemorrhoids, anal fissure
定位: 在耳輪頂端,與對耳輪上腳后緣相對的耳輪
主治: 發(fā)熱、高血壓、急性結(jié)膜炎
Point : Ear Apex (MA-H6, Erjian)
Locations at the tip of the helix, at the level with the upper border of the superior antihelix crus 醫(yī)學(xué)全.在線提供
Indications fever, hypertension, acute conjunctivitis
定位: 自耳輪結(jié)節(jié)下緣至耳垂下緣中點劃為5等份
主治: 扁桃體炎、上呼吸道感染、發(fā)熱
Point : Helix 1-6 (MA-H)
Locations region from lower border of auricular tubercle to midpoint of lower border of lobule is divided into five equal parts
Indications tonsillitis, infection of the upper respiratory tract, fever |