主癥 惡寒發(fā)熱,無汗,頭痛,四肢酸痛,鼻塞、流涕,喉癢,咳嗽聲重,痰多清稀,舌苔薄白,脈浮緊。
Main Manifestations Chills, fever, headache, cough, amitosis, pain of the limbs, stuffy and running nose, itching of the throat, hoarse voice, profuse thin sputum, white tongue coating, floating and tense pulse.
治法 取手陽明,太陰和足太陽經(jīng)穴為主。針用瀉法,以祛風散寒,宣肺解表。
Treatment Eliminate wind, disperse cold from the body surface and promote the function of the lung in dispersing by puncturing points mainly from Lung Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian and Bladder Meridian with reducing manipulation.
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處方 列缺 合谷 風池 風門
Prescription Lieque(LU7), Hege(LI 4), Fenchi(GB 20), Fengmen(BL 12). |
主癥 發(fā)熱,汗出,微惡風,頭脹痛,咳嗽,吐黃稠痰,咽部紅腫疼痛,口渴欲飲,苔薄白或微黃,脈浮數(shù)。
Main Manifestations Fever, sweating, slight aversion to wind, pain and distending sensation of the head, cough with yellow thick sputum, congested and sore throat, extreme thirst, thin white or yellowish tongue coating, floating and rapid pulse.醫(yī)學.全.在線.網(wǎng).站.提供
治法 取督脈、手陽明、少陽、太陰經(jīng)穴為主。針刺用瀉法,以疏風清熱,清肅肺氣。
Treatment Eliminate wind, disperse heat and promote the circulation of lung Qi by needling the points mainly from Governor Vessel, Lung Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian and Triple Energizer Meridian with reducing manipulation.
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處方 大椎 尺澤 外關(guān) 合谷 魚際 少商
Prescription Dazhui(GV 14), Chize(LU 5); Waiguan(TE 5), Hegu(LI 4), Yuji(LU 10) and Shaoshang (LU 11) |