主癥 腰痛發(fā)于感受寒濕之邪以后,腰背冷痛重著,轉側不利,或拘急強直不能俯仰,或痛連臀部下肢,每遇陰雨天則加重,靜臥休息、疼痛不減,舌苔白膩,脈沉弱或沉遲。
Main Manifestations Lumboge occurring after of exposure to cold and damp, cold pain and heavy sensation in the dorsolumbar region, limitation of rotation, extension and flexion of the back, pain radiating downward to the buttocks and low limbs, the symptoms aggravated in the rainy days. The pain can not be relieved by lying position, while and sticky tongue coating, deep, weak or deep, slow pulse. |
主癥 有腰部扭傷史,腰脊強痛,一般痛處固定不移,輕則俯仰不便,重則不能轉側,痛處拒按,舌質淡紅或紫暗,脈弦或澀。
Main Manifestations History of lumber sprain, stiffness and pain in lumber region with fixed place, limited extension and flexion of the lumbar region in the mild case, limited rotation of the back in the severe cases, pain aggravated by pressure , light red or purplish, dark tongue string-taut or hesitant pulse. 醫(yī)學 全在.線提供www.med126.com |
主癥 腰痛酸軟,隱隱作痛,膝軟無力,日久不愈,精神倦怠,反復發(fā)作,遇勞則甚,臥息可減。偏于陽虛者,手足不溫,少腹拘急,腰部冷感;偏于陰虛者伴五心煩熱,心煩,失眠,口燥咽干,舌質淡,脈沉遲,或舌質紅,脈細數。
Main Manifestations Dull pain and weakness in lumbar region, lassitude repeated attack, pain aggravated by strain and alleviated by rest in bed. In case of kidney-Yang deficiency, cold hands and feet. Cramp in lower abdomen, feeling cold in the lumbar region; in case of Yin deficiency, feverish in the chest, palms and soles, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat pale tongue, deep and slow pulse or red tongue, thready and rapid pulse. |
治法 取足太陽、督脈經穴為主。根據證候虛實,酌用毫針補瀉,或平補平瀉,或針灸并用。
Treatment Points are mainly selected from Bladder Meridian and Governor vessel. Needing and moxibustion are applied based on excess or deficiency. |
處方 腎俞 腰陽天 夾脊 委中
Prescription Shenshu(BL 23), Yaoyangguan(GV 3), Jiaji(ES -B2), Weizhong(BL 40) | |||
隨證配穴 寒濕:大腸俞、關元俞;
Additional Points Cold and damp: Dachangshu (BL 25), Guanyuanshu (LB 26). |