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•Hello.may (can) I help you?[您好,我可以幫您嗎?]
•What seems to be bothering you?[您覺得哪兒不舒服?]
•Do you have a record?[您有病歷嗎?]
•I`ll transfer you to the surgery department.[我給您轉(zhuǎn)到外科去]
•what`s wrong with you?[您怎么了?]
•Sit down, please.[請坐]
•When did the symptom begin ?[癥狀是什么時候開始的?]
•Are you bring anything up when you cough?[咳嗽時有痰嗎?]
•Have you had any chills (chest pain)?[您有發(fā)冷(胸痛)嗎?]
•Have you ever coughed up blood[您咳血過嗎?]
•All right. Let me examine you. Would you mind taking off your coat?[好吧。我給您檢查一下,您不介意脫掉外衣吧?]
•Take a deep breath, please[請深呼吸]
•I`ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination.[我將給您做白細胞計數(shù)和胸片檢查]
•I`m sure it`s pneumonia. You should be admitted to the hospital.[我可以確定您得了肺炎,應(yīng)當(dāng)住院。]
•How long have you been like this?[這種癥狀有多久了?]
•When did you begin to notice these symptoms?[您什么時候發(fā)現(xiàn)這些癥狀的?]
•What`s the trouble?[怎么啦?]
•What`s your trouble?[你怎么啦?]
•What`s the trouble with you?[你哪兒不舒服]
•What`s troubling you?[你哪兒不舒服]
•What`s your complaint?[你哪兒不舒服]
•What`s bothering you?[你哪兒不舒服]
•What can I do for you?[你哪兒不舒服嗎?]
•What`s up with you?[你生什么病了?]
•What`s the matter with you?[你哪兒不舒服?]
•Is there a sense of distension and numbness?[你有脹和麻木的感覺嗎?]
•When did the trouble start?[什么時候開始不舒服?]
•When did the pain start?[什么時候開始痛的?]
•When did it happen?[什么時候發(fā)生的?]
•When did your diarrhea start?[你什么時候開始腹瀉的?]
•What kind of pain do you feel?[你覺得怎么個痛法?]
•What kind of stool did you notce, watery or mucous?[你注意大便的樣子了嗎?是水樣的還是粘液樣?]
•What did you vomit, food or blood?[你吐的是什么?食物還是血?]
•What kind of treatment have you had?[你過去用什么方法治療過?]
•What about your heart?[你的心臟怎么樣?]醫(yī).學(xué) 全在.線,提供www.med126.com
•What`s your stool like?[大便是什么樣子?]
•Where is your pain?[你覺得哪兒痛?]
•Where does it hurt?[哪兒痛?]
•What`s your appetite?[你的胃口怎么樣?]
•How`s your appetite those days?[近來食欲怎么樣?]
•How long have you been feeling like this?[你有這樣感覺多長時間了?]
•Have you been coughing and sneezing?[你是不是一直咳嗽和打噴嚏?]
•Have you got a high fever?[你發(fā)燒嗎?]
•Any fever?[發(fā)燒嗎?]
•Have you got any chronic disease before?[你以前有過慢性病嗎?]
•Does it bleed often?[常出血嗎?]
•Do you feel short of breath?[你覺得氣急嗎?]
•Do you feel pain after meals?[是飯后痛嗎?]
•Do you feel abdominal pain when you go to the toilet?[你去廁所時感到腹痛嗎?]
•Do you have a pain in your stomach?[你肚子痛嗎?]
•Do you have a cough?[你咳嗽嗎?]
•Do you remember how many times you went to the toilet?[你記得去過多少次廁所嗎?]
•Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?[來醫(yī)院前你接受過治療嗎?]
•I`d like to listen to your chest.[我想聽聽你的胸部。]
•I`d like to run a few tests.[我想給你做些檢查。]
•You must have a blood (sputum) test.[你需要驗驗血(痰)。]
•You have the flu.[你得了流行感冒。]
•You have got enteritis.[你得了腸炎。]
•You have caught a chill.[你著涼了。]
•You seem to have picked up some sort of infection.[你好象染上什么傳染病了。]
•When did you first notice it?[你什么時候感覺到的?]
•What kind of pain is it?[怎樣疼?]
•Did you run any temperature?[你發(fā)過燒嗎?]
•Have you seen anybody about it?[你找醫(yī)生看過嗎?]
•I think you need some examinations first.[我想您首先需要做一些檢查。]
•You`d better take an X-ray picture to see if there is a fracture.[你最好拍張X片子,看看有沒有骨折。]
•I`d like to give you an X-ray.[我想給你透視一下。]
•The X-ray reveals a dislocation of your elbow.[X光片顯示你的肘關(guān)節(jié)脫位。]
•I`ll give your some medicine.[我給您開點藥。]
•I`m afraid you have to receive an amputation.[恐怕你需要截肢。]
•It is the only way to save your life.[這是挽救您生命的唯一辦法。]
•My diagnosis is that you have a malignant tumor osteogenic sarcoma.[我的診斷是您得了惡性骨肉瘤。]
•The fractured leg must be kept in plaster.[必須把骨折的腿打上石膏。]
•Open your mouth, please.[請張開嘴。]
•It`s too worn out to be filled.[這顆牙壞得太歷害了,無法補了。]
•Have you ever had an injection of procaine(pencillin) before?[你以前打過普魯卡因(青霉素)嗎?]
•Does it hurt when you eat anything sweet or sour?[你吃甜的或酸的東西時疼嗎?]
•I`ll be cleaning them now. let me know if it hurts.[我現(xiàn)在給你洗牙,疼就說一聲。]
•The wound hasn`t healed enough yet.[傷口還沒完全愈合。]
•You`ll have to wait for one more month, or they won`t fit properly.[你得再等一個月,要不然裝上也不會合適。]
•What kind of material do you prefer?[你想要什么材料的?]醫(yī).學(xué) 全,在.線,提供www.med126.com
•Would you like to have a look at some of the samples?[你要看一看樣品嗎?]
•You can try the gold-alloy ones.[你可以試一下合金的。]
•You`ve got to come five times before the work can be finished.[你得來五次才能做好。]
•Shall I fix you a plastic crown?[我給你裝一個塑料牙套好嗎?]
•We`ll give you an X-ray to find out the condition of the root.[我們要給你拍一張X光片,看看牙根的情況。]
•You`ll have to leave your old denture here.[你得把原先的假牙留下。]
•You should leave your denture in your mouth all day.[你應(yīng)該整天戴著你的假牙。]
•How are your periods? Are they heavy?[你的月經(jīng)怎么樣?量多嗎?]
•Have you had any pain in this area during your menstruation?[你來月經(jīng)時間時這一部位疼嗎?]
•How about your menstruation cycles?[你的經(jīng)期準嗎?]
•Have you had any discomfort?[有什么不舒服嗎?]
•When was your last menstruation?[你上一次月經(jīng)是什么時候?]
•How long is your period usually?[通常你的月經(jīng)周期多長?]
•Have you had any bleeding, watery discharge or pain in your lower abdomen?[你有過陰道出血、水性分泌物以及下腹部疼痛的情況嗎?]

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