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Experience Your Qi Flow

... A Simple Qigong Exercise ....
Try this simple qigong exercise and begin to experience the effects of Qi flow.

(1) Sit comfortably with your feet resting flat on the floor and your back upright. Place your hands face up on your lap.

(2) Take two or three minutes just to relax, keeping still and breathing gently.

(3) Bring your arms to about chest height with the palms facing each other about 6 to 8 inches apart. The arms should be relaxed. Avoid having them straight out with the muscles tense. Imagine you are holding a soft, flexible beach ball between your hands.

(4) Breathe naturally, expanding your lower abdomen - the area known in Chinese medicine as the lower Dan tien - on the inhalation. Imagine your Qi moving from this area, about two finger-widths below your umbilicus. This point on the Ren channel is called Qihai; or "sea of Qi".

(5) Imagine the Qi rising up the Ren channel and out along the Yin channels on the inside of your arm. In particular, pay attention to the Pericardium channel that runs right down the center of the inside arm to end at the tip of the middle finger.

(6) With each exhalation, imagine the Qi flowing down the Pericardium channel to the palm of the hand. Focus on the Laogong point in the center of the palm. This is Pericardium 8.

(7) Begin to become aware of your experience at the Laogong points on the two opposite palms as you continue to relax and breathe easily. You may have a variety of experiences - warmth, coolness, tingling, heaviness, a sense of attraction between the palms, and so on. Just be aware of the feeling. 醫(yī)學(xué).全在線bhskgw.cn

(8) Play with the experience by bringing the two palms closer together and then pulling them apart. You may like to run the palm of one hand up the outside of the opposite arm from the thumb to the elbow. Keep it about an inch above the arm. Be aware of you experience any "hot spots" as you go, where Laogong seems to be making a connection with a point on the opposite arm. This may well be noticed at the point Hegu (on the fleshy mound between the thumb and the forefinger) or at the point Quchz; which is at the elbow.

As you do this simple qigong exercise you will begin to experience the effect of Qi flow, whether as heat, cold, or whatever. Remember, the sensation is not the Qi, it is the effect of Qi. Think of this analogy. If electricity passes through a wire it will meet resistance. If the resistance rises, the current flow will cause the wire to heat up. The heat in the wire is not the electricity, it is the effect of the electricity flow.

Think of your experience of this simple qigong exercise in the same way. What you are experiencing is the effect of Qi flow. The point to emphasize for this simple qigong exercise is that there is no one sensation to be looking for. The sensations experienced can vary, but some form of warmth tends to be the most common. If you practice Qigong exercises on a regular basis then your ability to become aware of your own Qi flow, and indeed of that of other people, will develop markedly.

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