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Shock (1)


Shock is a state of organ hypoperfusion with resultant cellular dysfunction and death. Mechanisms may involve decreased circulating volume, decreased cardiac output, and vasodilation, sometimes with shunting of blood to bypass capillary exchange beds. Symptoms include altered mental status, tachycardia, hypotension, and oliguria. Diagnosis is clinical, including BP measurement. Treatment is with IV fluids, correction of underlying disorder, and sometimes vasopressors.




The fundamental defect in shock is reduced perfusion of vital tissues. Once perfusion declines so that O2 is inadequate for aerobic metabolism, cells shift to anaerobic metabolism with increased production of CO2 and accumulation of lactic acid. Cellular function declines, and if shock persists, irreversible cell damage and death occur.


During shock, both the inflammatory and clotting cascades may be triggered in areas of hypoperfusion. Hypoxic vascular endothelial cells activate WBCs, which bind to the endothelium and release directly damaging substances (eg, proteolytic enzymes) and inflammatory mediators (eg, cytokines, leukotrienes, tumor necrosis factor [TNF]). Some of these mediators bind to cell surface receptors and activate nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB), which leads to production of additional cytokines and also nitric oxide (NO), a potent vasodilator. Septic shock may be more proinflammatory than other forms because of the actions of bacterial toxins, especially endotoxin.


Vasodilation of capacitance vessels leads to pooling of blood and hypotension because of “relative” hypovolemia (ie, too much volume to be filled by the existing amount of blood). Localized vasodilation may shunt blood past the capillary exchange beds, causing focal hypoperfusion despite normal cardiac output and BP. Additionally, excess NO is converted to peroxynitrite, a free radical that damages mitochondria and decreases ATP production.醫(yī)學全在線www.med126.com


Blood flow to microvessels including capillaries is reduced even though large-vessel blood flow is preserved in settings of septic shock. Mechanical microvascular obstruction may, at least in part, account for such limiting of substrate delivery. Leukocytes and platelets adhere to the endothelium, and the clotting system is activated with fibrin deposition.


Multiple mediators, along with endothelial cell dysfunction, markedly increase microvascular permeability, allowing fluid and sometimes plasma proteins to escape into the interstitial space. In the GI tract, increased permeability possibly allows translocation of the enteric bacteria from the lumen to the blood stream, potentially leading to sepsis or metastatic infection.


Neutrophil apoptosis may be inhibited, enhancing the release of inflammatory mediators. In other cells, apoptosis may be augmented, increasing cell death and thus worsening organ function.


BP is not always low in the early stages of shock (although hypotension eventually occurs if shock is not reversed). Similarly, not all patients with “l(fā)ow” BP have shock. The degree and consequences of hypotension vary with the adequacy of physiologic compensation and the patient's underlying diseases. Thus, a modest degree of hypotension that is well tolerated by a young, relatively healthy person might result in severe cerebral, cardiac, or renal dysfunction in a patient with significant arteriosclerosis.


Compensation: Initially, when O2 delivery (DO2) is decreased, tissues compensate by extracting a greater percentage of delivered O2. Current guidelines provide for interventions that will maintain mixed-venous O2 saturation above 30%. Additionally, low arterial pressure triggers an adrenergic response with sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction and often increased heart rate. Initially, vasoconstriction is selective, shunting blood to the heart and brain. Circulating β-adrenergic amines (epinephrine, norepinephrine) also increase cardiac contractility and trigger release of corticosteroids from the adrenal gland, renin from the kidney, and glucose from the liver. Increased glucose may overwhelm ailing mitochondria, causing further lactate production.


Reperfusion: Reperfusion of ischemic cells can cause further injury. As substrate is reintroduced, neutrophil activity may heighten, increasing production of damaging superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. After blood flow is restored, inflammatory mediators may be circulated to other organs.


Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS): The combination of direct and reperfusion injury may cause MODS—the progressive dysfunction of 2 or more organs consequent to life-threatening illness or injury. MODS can follow any type of shock but is most common when infection is involved; organ failure is one of the defining features of septic shock. MODS also occurs in > 10% of patients with severe traumatic injury and is the primary cause of death in those surviving > 24 h.


Any organ system can be affected, but the most frequent target organ is the lung, in which increased membrane permeability leads to flooding of alveoli due to capillary leaks. Progressive hypoxia may be increasingly resistant to supplemental O2 therapy. This condition is termed acute lung injury or, if severe, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).


The kidneys are injured when renal perfusion is critically reduced, leading to acute tubular necrosis and renal insufficiency manifested by oliguria and progressive rise in serum creatinine.


In the heart, reduced coronary perfusion and mediators (including TNF and IL-1) may depress contractility, worsen myocardial compliance, and down-regulate β-receptors. These factors decrease cardiac output, further worsening both myocardial and systemic perfusion and causing a vicious circle often culminating in death.


The GI tract can develop ileus and submucosal hemorrhage. Liver hypoperfusion can produce focal or extensive hepatocellular necrosis, transaminase elevation, and decreased production of clotting factors.


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