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The Eight Principles In Chinese Medicine

The Eight Principles

In traditional Chinese medicines, the symptoms of illnesses are grouped based on eight principles (also known as the Eight Conditions).

The eight princile symdromes are made up of four pairs of opposites:

  • Yin and Yang,
  • Hot and Cold,
  • Full and Empty (or Deficiency and Excess),
  • Interior and Exterior.

For examples, symptoms can be defined as Full (an excess of something), Empty (a lack of something), Interior (internal causes), Exterior (external causes), Hot (diseases with symptoms of heat) or Cold (diseases with symptoms of cold). A symptom or disease can have several of these properties.

Generally speaking, Western medicines focus on bacteria or tissue damage to identify the likely pathology. Chinese medicines, on the other hand, look at the basic pattern of the disharmony to pinpoint the cause of the illness.

Yin and Yang ... The Eight Principles ...

Yin and Yang are the primary pair among the Eight Principles.

Exterior, Heat and Excess belong under Yang; Interior, Cold and Deficiency belong to Yin.

Yin People
Yin people are generally quiet and reserved, and tend to seek out a role at home or work where they can be supportive to others. They are careful and relaxed, and happy to enjoy a quiet life. 醫(yī)學(xué) 全在.線提供www.med126.com

Yin illness
Chronic problems that develop over a period of time, and which drag on, are Yin illnesses. People with too much Yin need warming and drying, using herbs to strengthen Yang and Qi, and disperse Dampness.

Yang People
Yang people are extrovert and outgoing, forceful and dynamic. They are hard to ignore! They tend to choose careers that allow them to display these abilities. They have lots of energy, do not feel the cold, and find it difficult to wind down and relax.

Yang Illness
The symptoms of illnesses are sudden, acute situations (which are relatively severe) such as fever, swellings, thirst, and even convulsions, are typical Yang illnesses.

There will often be Heat conditions and dramatic reactions. People with too much Yang need to be cooled and calmed, using herbs to nourish the Yin, detoxify and moisten the system, and calm the spirit.

Exterior and Interior ... The Eight Principles ...

Illnesses can be subdivided into "interior" and "exterior" states under the eight principles.

An illness at the exterior stage is trifling and is easily treated.

Once an illness invades the interior, it means the illness has become serious. Some illnesses do move from the surface into the interior. Therefore, there is a saying in Chinese, "Illnesses should be treated while they are exterior and trifling."

Exterior Condition Exterior conditions are those which affect the skin and muscles.

Under the eight principles, this really refers to colds, flu and viruses, where the first symptoms are aching muscles, fever, chilliness, a stiff neck or a rash. However, not all skin diseases are classified as Exterior: most are due to an Interior condition that is manifesting in the skin. Only those skin rashes that are associated with an illness such as measles or chicken pox are classified as Exterior conditions.

Interior Conditions
Interior conditions are all those diseases that are not Exterior conditions.

Under the eight principles, this means that anything affecting the internal origins of the body - the Spleen, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver: Heart and so on - is considered to be an Interior problem. If minor Exterior problems are not treated, then they can move into the Interior of the body, where they may possibly become chronic or life threatening.

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