主癥 月經(jīng)先期,量多,色紫紅,質(zhì)粘稠,心胸?zé)⿶,小便短赤,舌紅苔黃,脈數(shù)有力。
Main Manifestations Predated menstruation with large amount of sticky, condensed and purplish-red blood, irritability, stuffiness in chest, short and dark urine, red tongue and yellow coating, and rapid forceful pulse. |
主癥 月經(jīng)超前,量多,色淡,后清稀,精神疲倦,心悸氣短,自覺小腹空墜,舌淡苔薄,脈弱無力。
Main Manifestations Antedated menstruation which is thin, light red and in large quantity is associated with lassitude. palpitation, shortness of breath, feeling of emptiness and dragging-down in the lower abdomen, pale tongue, thin coating and weak pulse. |
Main Manifestations Postdated menses is scanty, light red and accompanied by empty pain in the abdomen, emaciation, sallow complexion, lustreless skin, dizziness blurred vision , palpitation, insomnia, light red tongue with little coating, and weak , thready pulse.醫(yī)學(xué)全在線www.med126.com |
主癥 經(jīng)期延后,色暗而量少,小腹絞痛,得熱稍減,肢冷畏寒,苔薄白,脈沉遲。
Main Manifestations Delayed menstruation in dark color and small quantity is associated with colic in lower abdomen which is alleviated by warmth, cold extremities, aversion to cold, thin while tongue coating and deep, slow pulse. |
主癥 經(jīng)期后延,色黯量少,小腹脹滿而痛,精神抑郁,胸痞不舒,噫氣稍減,脅肋乳房作脹,舌苔薄白,脈弦。
Main Manifestations Postdated menstruation with dark and scanty coating is accompanied by fullness and distending pain in lower abdomen, emotional depression, stuffiness in chest which is eased by eructation, distention in the costal region and breasts, thin and white tongue coating, and wiry pulse. |
主癥 經(jīng)期先后不定,經(jīng)量或多或少,色紫紅,質(zhì)粘稠,經(jīng)行不暢,胸脅乳房作脹,小腹脹痛,抑郁不樂,時欲嘆息,苔薄白,脈弦。 |
Main Manifestations Variance of menstrual cycle with sticky, thick and purplish bleeding which is impeded and in varying quantity, distention in costal region and breast, distending pain in lower abdomen, mental depression, frequent sighing, thin and white tongue coating, and wiry pulse. |
主癥 經(jīng)期先后不定,經(jīng)血量少,色淡質(zhì)稀,頭暈耳鳴,腰膝酸軟,夜尿較多,大便不實,舌淡苔薄,脈沉弱。
Main Manifestations Irregular cycle with scanty, thin and light red blood flow, dizziness, tinnitus, soreness in lower back, weakness of knee, nocturia, loose stools, pale tongue with thin coating, and deep, weak pulse. |
治法 取任脈,足太陽經(jīng)穴為主。經(jīng)早只針不灸,用平補平瀉;經(jīng)遲、經(jīng)亂、針灸并用。
Treatment Point of thoroughfare Vessel and Spleen Meridian are mainly prescribed. Acupuncture with even technique is appropriate to predated menstruation while needling and moxibustion are both recommended to the postdated menstruation and irregular menstrual cycle.
處方 氣海 三陰交 |
Prescription Qihai (CV 6) and Sanyinjiao(SP 6) |