Significant Points of the Du Channel
長強(督脈1) Changqiang(DU1).
穴義 長,長短之長;強,強弱之強。
Chang, long; qiang, strong.
定位 尾骨尖端與肛門之中點。
Location midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus.
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主治 主要用于肛門及直腸病變,如脫肛、直腸炎里急后重,痔核脫出等。
Indication treating disorders of the anus and rectum: prolapse of rectum, rectitis, tenesmus, prolapse of hemorrhoids.
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針法 針尖向后上方斜刺0.8~1寸,不宜過深,以免刺傷直腸。
Method puncture obliquely backwards up 0.8-1cun. Deep insertion should be avoided in order not to hurt the rectum.
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備考 督脈絡穴
Remarks Luo-Connecting Point of the Du Channel. |
Significant Points of the Du Channel
腰陽關(督脈3) Yaoyangguan(DU3)
穴義 命,生命;門,門戶。
Ming, life; men, door.
定位 第二腰椎棘突下
Location below the spinous process of teh 2nd lumbar vertebra
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主治 ①生殖系統(tǒng)疾病之要穴,用治陽萎,早泄,遺精,月經(jīng)不調等,一般都用于虛證
Indication 1. main point to treat diseases of genital system: impotence, ejaculatory proecox, spermatirrhea, irregular menstruation, usually good for deficiency syndrome
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針法 直刺或略向上斜刺0.5~1寸,不宜過深
Method puncture perpendicularly or obliquely a bit upwards 0.5-1 cun. Deep insertion should be avoided.
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備考 培補命門之火的主穴
Remarks Main point for nourishing prime-minister fire. |
Significant Points of the Du Channel
命門(督脈4) Mingmen(DU4)
穴義 命,生命;門,門戶。
Ming, life; men, door.
定位 第二腰椎棘突下
Location below the spinous process of teh 2nd lumbar vertebra
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主治 ①生殖系統(tǒng)疾病之要穴,用治陽萎,早泄,遺精,月經(jīng)不調等,一般都用于虛證
Indication 1. main point to treat diseases of genital system: impotence, ejaculatory proecox, spermatirrhea, irregular menstruation, usually good for deficiency syndrome
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針法 直刺或略向上斜刺0.5~1寸,不宜過深
Method puncture perpendicularly or obliquely a bit upwards 0.5-1 cun. Deep insertion should be avoided.
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備考 培補命門之火的主穴
Remarks Main point for nourishing prime-minister fire. |
Significant Points of the Du Channel
至陽(督脈9) Zhiyang(DU9).
穴義 至,到達;陽,陰陽之陽。
Zhi, reaching; Yang, Yang of Yin-Yang.
定位 第七胸椎棘突下
Location below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra.
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Indication jaundice, caugh, asthma, lumbago.
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針法 向上斜刺0.5~1寸
Method obliquely upward 0.5-1 cun.
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備考 切勿深刺
Remarks Avoid deep insertion |
Significant Points of the Du Channel
身柱(督脈12) Shenzhu(DU12).
穴義 身,身體;柱,支柱。
Shen, body; zhu, pilar.
定位 第三胸椎棘突下
Location below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra.
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主治 咳嗽,哮喘,脊背痛,癲癇,精神病
Indication cough, asthma, lumbago, epilepsy, mental disorder
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針法 向上斜刺0.5~1寸
Method obliquely upward 0.5-1 cun
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備考 切勿深刺
Remarks Avoid deep insertion |
Significant Points of the Du Channel
大椎(督脈14) Dazhui(DU14).
穴義 大,巨大;椎,椎骨。
Da, large; zhui, vertebra.
定位 第七頸椎棘突下
Location below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra
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主治 ①解熱,治感冒發(fā)熱
Indication 1. relieving fever, cold
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針法 直刺或針尖向上斜刺0.5~1寸
Method puncture perpendicularly or a bit upwards obliquely 0.5-1cun.
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備考 切勿深刺
Remarks Avoid deep insertion |